Saturday, June 18, 2011

Go girl, it's your birthday!

Today was my roomate Jenessa's 20th Birthday!
We have only known each other for one month but
I feel like I have known her for years :)
The other day we were sitting on the couch and
she turns to me and says, "You know at first I didn't think
me and you would be that good of friends...I mean...I thought
we would get along and all but I didn't think we would be way close."
We laughed pretty hard after she said that.
I am grateful that I have gotten the opportunity to meet this sweet
girl and to celebrate her birthday with her!

We started off by going to breakfast at Key West's
famous La Creperie. It was sooo delicious!
Jenessa is OBSESSED with conch republic anything.
So we thought it would be appropriate to get her a conch
republic towel. We also got her a skirt she had been wanting.

After breakfast I had to go to work
but the girls went jet skiing around the island!
After work I got to take Jenessa out to dinner.
She chose to go to this cute Thai Sushi restaurant.
It was so cute and the food was crazy good.
I think I am going to need a wheelbarrel to get me back
to Utah. I have eaten out way too much!
We sat out on the deck and got to watch the beautiful sunset.

Little did Jenessa know that a surprise was waiting for her at home.
The girls decorated our apartment with streamers and 
music to welcome her home.
We had made a cake that is from this funny
youtube video that we watch frequently at the apartment.
Very fun day!

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