Tuesday, May 31, 2011

when it rains, it pours

Yesterday we got caught in a HUGE random rainstorm. We had just bought some groceries when raindrops a little smaller than golf balls came pelting down. We started to head home in the pouring rain. Keep in mind we are on our little scooters, toilet paper between our feet, making our way home. I am so grateful for windshield wipers on cars! I had to make do with my sunglasses as we half blindedly scootered on one of the most busy roads in Key West, entertaining all of the cars that passed us. As soon as we made it to the apartment the rain conveniently stopped haha. We were SOAKED!

When it came time for us to go to work, we wanted to be prepared. We put on sweatshirts and got out the ponchos. We lauged so hard driving to work. Turns out the ponchos are not very aerodynamic so they would get filled with air and puff up. As we got closer into town we started to feel the hot bright sunshine and pass many people wearing bathing suits. Of course the weather turned out to be sunny and bright. Even though the ponchos did us no good, we had a hilarious time riding to work in them.

Some random girls on the pier...bathing suits and ponchos haha

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