Friday, July 15, 2011

Welcome to Miami

So first off I apoligize for all the of blog posts that are to come.
 It has been awhile and a lot has gone on.
A couple weeks ago me, Joanna, and Jenessa finally
 made our trip up to Miami!
We rented ourselves a car and made the long drive up the Florida Keys.
It was crazy driving up a highway surrounded by nothing but ocean.
We stopped along the way at a place called Porky's
where they served Fried Key Lime Pie!
Yup never knew they had made such a thing but it was so good!

Fried Key Lime Pie

The Historic 7 Mile Bridge

We made it up to Fort Lauderdale and checked into our hotel before the
Rihanna concert.
(All thanks to you mom :)!)
The concert was fun as we rocked out in our amazing nosebleed seats haha.
(that's where all the of the true die hard fans sit haha)

The next morning we decided to be early risers and see the sun rise on the beach.
It had a completely different feel to the usual sunsets we get to watch.
It was very refreshing.

The rest of the day we hit up the shopping and South Beach!
Miami is so different!
Along the strip, people are outside of the restaurants trying to get you to eat there.
Kind of like what you see in sales except it was for food.
We got to stop by the store DASH which is the Kardashians boutique.
So cool to be there.
Me and my sisters love the Kardashians.
Then, we headed over to the ocean.
We had a lot of fun taking pics with the underwater camera
and playing in the 'waves'.

Miami was a success and we drove back down the Keys to
 home sweet home.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Chinese Take-Out

Our nights are usually spent at our apartment...
either on our computer, reading books, listening to music.
(since the only thing to do here at night is go to the bars on Duval)
Me and Jenessa decided to grab some Chinese Take-out
and have a little picnic on the pier.
We set out maps that were at the Chinese restaurant
and used them to sit on and place mats.
It turned out better than we had ever expected.
The weather was perfect and we got to watch
the sunset right off of the pier.
We decided that we need to start taking
more advantage of the nights we have here.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Party in the U.S.A.

Oh say can you see...
For the 4th of July we all went out
to the Casa Marina resort to celebrate.
There was a big production put on by Hospice.
The money to get into the celebration went to their cause.
Some of our friends that work at the Casa Marina
hooked us up with lounge chairs on the
beach that were regularly $125.
We got them for $6 each. Score.
The party had bbq food, games and music.
We had a great time watching the fireworks on the beach.
That was a first for me.
Completely different from watching them in Utah.
Overall we had a very successful day celebrating our nation's independence! :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Tribute to break down.

The other week I was walking home from work to my scooter and I saw this dog...
Odie has a sister here in Key West!!
Her name is Rosie and she belongs to David,
a man that works at a shop on the corner of Duval.
Today I finally got to take a picture of her.
I never thought I would say it but seeing Odie's
look-alike actually made me miss the crazy and ugly dog.

Later today, me and Joanna were heading home on the scooter.
We were driving on one of the main roads
when the scooter started to come to a stop.
We had run out of gas.
I blame it on the scooter for the broken gas gauge.
So good news.
We were only about a mile away from our apartment...
so we thrusted the scooter onto the sidewalk
and started walking the scooter home.
It was such a great walk...
90 degree temperatures
72 percent humidity
pushing a 300 pound scooter.
We probably gave all of the passing cars some entertainment
for the day.
We finally got the scoot scoot home
and will have her refueled by tomorrow.